Concrete Sand, Mason Sand and Beyond...

Sand plays a critical role in the construction industry, with each type offering unique properties that make it ideal for specific applications.Among the most commonly used types of sand are concrete sand and mason sand:

Concrete sand is a vital ingredient in cement, asphalt, and mortar. Contractors frequently use it as a base layer for pavers, patios, and walkways, as well as for backfill and pipe bedding. Additionally, it’s often mixed with topsoil or mulch to create bio soils or used as a top-dressing material for lawns and golf courses.

Mason sand, by contrast, is finer and more uniform than concrete sand, making it the top choice for pavers and stonework. Its soft texture and appealing appearance also make it a cost-effective alternative to beach sand for volleyball courts, playgrounds, pools, and sandboxes.

The latest addition to the sand family is "Thermal Sand," designed specifically for installing underground cables and enhancing their performance. Our custom-manufactured Thermal Sand is PEPCO approved and meets all physical and mechanical requirements to reduce resistive losses more effectively than other backfill materials.

Not sure which type of sand is right for your project or how much you’ll need? Call or email us to speak with one of our aggregate specialists at (301) 814-8600 or